St. Julian's Church School

Visit to Bristol Progressive Synagogue


On 13th December, years 3,4,5 and 6 went by coach to Bristol to the Progressive synagogue.

Iris Segall was amazing at explaining and demystifying the Jewish faith for the children. They were able to discover why a synagogue is a special place for Jews, linking our RE topic of 'why some places and journeys are special', with our Erasmus project of bridges (Building bridges between faith communities in this case).

The visit made Judaism real and understandable for the children and they are following up the visit in school, making scrapbooks and recording their findings.

We are very grateful for the SACRE grant which made this possible. Living so far from Bristol meant the coach travel was far too expensive to ask parents for, on top of the donation to the synagogue, so the visit wouldn't have happened without it.

Karen Miles