Awareness Mystery Value (AMV) - the New Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
The main support site for RE Subject Leaders, Teachers of RE, Senior Leaders and Governors in Bath & North East Somerset community and voluntary controlled schools. Church of England voluntary aided schools also follow the syllabus, with additional guidance from the Diocese of Bath & Wells. Roman Catholic schools use the syllabus where they find it to be a helpful resource.
The updated website for 2022 includes: Legal requirements for RE; Statutory Programmes of Study; Exemplar schemes of learning; Assessment standards and exemplars; Guidance on planning, pedagogy and self-evaluation as well as on arranging visits and visitors; Advice on websites and other resources to support RE; and how to link AMV with published schemes such as ‘Understanding Christianity’.
Information about continuing professional development (CPD) taking place in the AMV area is also published on the site as well as contact details for RE advisers in the AMV local authorities: Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, the London Borough of Haringey, and North Somerset.
Apply for a Farmington Scholarship
Follow the links to useful websites with free lesson plans, videos, powerpoint presentations and other resources for teaching RE.
Find Practical inspiration for excellent learning in RE.
RE Lessons Online has been written specifically to meet the needs of teachers, providing culturally up-to-date, active-learning resource material for Key Stage 4 RE.
Helpful curriculum support for RE teachers in Roman Catholic schools.
Diocese of Bath and Wells
Our Education department is staffed by an exceptional and experienced staff group with a vast skill set and knowledge base. No question is too large or too small and we strive to work in partnership with those we serve, listening to their needs and responding appropriately.
Every academic year we offer a wide range of training relevant to headteachers, subject leaders, teaching staff and governors working in schools with Bath & Wells Diocese.
For further details visit:
The CofE is major provider of statuary education, the largest provider of schools in England.
The Clergy and RE website is designed as a reference point for clergy who go into schools.
Culham St Gabriel's is an endowed charitable trust dedicated to educational work in support of religious education (RE). We are committed to excellence in RE for all learners. We support teachers by helping them to offer the best, high-quality learning experience in RE, school worship and spiritual and moral development.
The Catholic Education Service
The Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools and Colleges is designed to provide guidance for the RE classroom curriculum in Catholic schools.
The main teacher support site for the Bristol Reigious Education Syllabus. Covers all Key Stages. Includes lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment support. =
Religious Studies CPD Handbook
AREIAC is an organisation for specialist educationalists, all qualified teachers, providing advice, challenge, leadership, training and support for multi-faith religious education in schools and colleges.
The Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education
The SHAP working party on World Religions in education.
Information for teachers on teaching about Humanism as an alternative to Religious belief. See especially ‘Understanding Humanism’ Educational resources.
Last updated March 2022